Specific Issues

See which topics students struggle with on each and every assignment.
about the problem

Lack of Granular Insights

Without a systematic approach to identifying specific issues on each assignment, educators may struggle to gain granular insights into student performance and comprehension. This lack of detailed information hinders educators' ability to tailor their teaching approach and provide targeted feedback and support to address students' individual needs effectively. As a result, students may continue to face challenges and experience frustration in their learning journey.

The challenge

Time-Consuming Issue Identification

  • Identifying specific areas of struggle in student assignments is time-consuming and labor-intensive.
  • Reviewing each student's work for common issues and patterns requires meticulous attention to detail.
  • This manual process consumes valuable time that could be spent on teaching responsibilities.
  • Inefficiencies may lead to missed opportunities for timely support and intervention.
  • Our Solution: Specific Issues

    Graide's Specific Issues feature offers a solution to the challenges of time-consuming issue identification and lack of granular insights into student performance.

    Automated Issue Identification

    With Graide, educators can automatically identify which topics students struggle with on each and every assignment. Our platform analyses student work and identifies common issues and patterns, providing educators with actionable insights into areas where students may need additional support or clarification. This automated process saves educators time and effort while ensuring that no issues go unnoticed.

    Targeted Support and Intervention

    Graide enables educators to provide targeted support and intervention based on specific issues identified on each assignment. By understanding the areas where students are struggling, educators can develop tailored strategies to address these challenges effectively. Whether through additional instruction, resources, or feedback, educators can empower students to overcome obstacles and succeed in their learning endeavours.

    Data-Driven Teaching Practices

    By leveraging Graide's Specific Issues feature, educators can adopt data-driven teaching practices to enhance student learning outcomes. The insights gained from specific issue identification enable educators to adjust their teaching approach, focus on priority areas for improvement, and provide personalised support to students. This proactive approach fosters a more engaging and effective learning environment for all students.