Find out what we're about.

We built Graide while being teachers, teaching assistants, and lecturers.


We believe that education is the key to empowering individuals and society but it shouldn’t come at the expense of educator’s wellbeing. By reducing educator’s workload and increasing the amount of feedback students receive, we can liberate teachers and make quality education more accessible to all.

We built Graide while working as teaching assistants in the University of Birmingham. We learned that fully automated solutions weren’t giving the formative feedback that students needed. At the same time, traditional paper grading systems were slow to turn around, took a long time to grade, and struggled to maintain consistency.

It was important to us to build something that both educators and students found flexible and easy to use. That’s why everything we build is tested by real users and takes into account their feedback.




Manjinder Kainth, PhD
Manjinder Kainth, PhD
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I’ve been intricately involved in teaching for many years. I have over 6 years of private tutoring experience, taught in higher education, and most recently worked on designing and delivering crash courses for a high school.
Robert Stanyon, PhD
Robert Stanyon, PhD
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I’m a PhD researcher in EdTech, with the subject of my research being the method diversity of student responses. I have been the lead developer for critical add-ons used by a leading EdTech product world wide.
George Bartlett
George Bartlett
Senior Developer
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I have been a question author supporting core teaching for 5 years, and have created and graded hundreds of questions. I’m someone who is invested in teaching, question designing, and programming.
Jon Allen
Jon Allen
Commercial Director
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I have over 15yrs experience creating, growing and selling disruptive concepts into new markets. An experienced and entrepreneurial commercial leader with knowledge of cutting-edge sales processes aligned with solid analytical and team management skills. Outside of work, I love rugby and golf and I'm kept busy by my family of 4+1 cocker spaniel.
Helena Westerlund
Helena Westerlund
Frontend Developer
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I've been always passionate about coding and how users can interact with and experience something that has been built. I'm always happy to learn more from what tech has to offer and where it can take us.
Yasmin Ismail
Yasmin Ismail
Partnership Development Executive
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I’m a Partnership Development executive at Graide. I have the opportunity to seek out mutually advantageous partnerships between Graide and universities. I hope to play a role in realising a future, where students can get lots of detailed, high-quality feedback quickly.
Oluwatosin Omowaire
Oluwatosin Omowaire
Marketing Executive
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I'm a seasoned product marketing executive with a keen interest in leveraging creative technological solutions to drive advancement and development. My extensive experience encompasses strategic development, innovative content distribution, and the implementation of digital marketing communications strategies across multiple channels. My expertise lies in elevating brand awareness and successfully converting prospective customers through these multifaceted approaches.
Austin Tomlinson, PhD
Austin Tomlinson, PhD
Education Consultant
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I have had a passion for teaching for as long as I can remember. After finishing my PhD, where I won a PGTA scholarship to recognise excellent teaching quality at the university, I went on to complete a PGDipEd. I am a qualified teacher. With over 8 years experience in software development and high performance computing, I have a balance of teaching and software development experience.
Jon Watkins, PhD
Jon Watkins, PhD
Sales Consultant
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I’m an EdTech development manager. As a result I have contacts in hundreds of higher education institutions, focusing on providing support. I know the intricacies of their needs pertaining to EdTech. With a strong background in web development and scientific programming I’m ready to change the world of education.
Prof Nicola Wilkin
Prof Nicola Wilkin
Education Consultant
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I’m the Director of Education, College of Engineering & Physical Sciences at the University of Birmingham. As a result, I have responsibility for the assessment requirements of 5,000 students. I’ve been recognised for teaching innovation. With hundreds of contacts in higher education institutions across the world, I know the change 6 Bit will bring to education.