Reduce SLAs and increase CSAT, with AI enhanced assessment.

Automate manual processes, remove repetition, and increase feedback quality with Graide.
Our markers are more efficient since using Graide. All the feedback we now collect internally is significantly faster and better. In the assignments we’re using Graide, we’re seeing a CSAT improvement of 15%.
Matt Jones
Founder & MD

Create a consistent experience that exudes quality

Assessments within Graide ensure consistency of feedback. With a reduction of manual processes and AI enhancements reducing turnaround time, your students will be happier than ever. 

We’ve done this before and we’ll do it for you

We’ve helped Oxbridge, LearnDirect, and Phoenix H&S. This is a repeatable process we’ve nailed.

Get up and running in less than a two weeks

Following a consultation, we can get a test environment ready for you in less than a week. If you’re happy with it we schedule an integration and training day. Once you’ve copied your content over you can start saving money.

How much effort will it be?

You will need to do the following:

  • Provide some representative historical data for the test environment.
  • Organise integration time with your tech team.
  • Organise a training day with your markers.
  • Copy over your content.

That’s it. Everything else will just run after.